Coaching (future focus, forward thinking, legacy)

Why do successful individuals always rave about their coaching experience? The short answer:


If you are learning to play a new sport, you get better with the help of a coach. If you’re studying for a degree, you need a professor. If you’re planning a trip to another country, you listen to a travel guide’s advice. If you need legal assistance, you seek out a lawyer.

Having someone be there to probe, push, and help you navigate is what coaching is all about.

Raw talent? Great.

Lucky? Fantastic.

BUT what if you could become a more passionate, inclusive, and empathetic leader?

What if you could accomplish this knowing you're using methods, communication skills, and techniques that allow you to measure your progress and see the results you’re looking for. All of this, while having someone who is devoted to helping you reach your potential.

At Coaching Catalyst, we take pride in seeing you transform your life, your business, and your community.

That’s why we offer a variety of coaching services, designed especially for YOU.

Your Journey Into Self-Discovery Begin your journey with the 5 D’s™

Reach deep within and allow yourself to be vulnerable in your answers.

Your honesty will create a strong foundation that allows us to guide you in your transformation.

What are your DREAMS and DESTINATIONS?

Are you allowing yourself to see how far you can go? Does your destination feel a bit too close or incredibly far away?

What DIRECTS you, Love or Fear?

Do you find yourself running away from your life or are you certain you’re going to achieve the life you’ve always wanted?

How DETERMINED are you?

Do you block out self-doubt and limiting beliefs? Do you find yourself losing courage?

How DISCIPLINED are you?

Are you relying on fleeting motivation to get you to where you need to be? Are you willing to do what it takes, regardless of whether you want to or not?

What’s your DESIGN?

Have you created a plan? Are you establishing goals and timelines to meet them? How are you designing the life you want?

Our questions are meant to inspire you rather than deter you from your potential.

The first step to any transformation is self-awareness.

Being able to vocalize what you do and don't want is crucial in any coaching process.

The 5 D’s have proven time and time again as successful whether in an executive, small business, or civic/non-profit setting.
Take a moment to see how we meet your needs.

After all, Coaching Catalyst is here to help you be the best version of yourself!

Executive Coaching

Whether you’re in your very first year as a senior leader or you are a seasoned executive, a coach can make a huge difference in your career trajectory. As a leader, we help you change and transform We believe in the power of transformation over change, because real transformation is created when there’s an internal shift towards the future.

How would your family vs. your colleagues speak about you? Do you feel confident in every area of your leadership? As someone who leads, you need your words, thoughts, and actions to align with your values. We can help you discover personal core values that merge your personal and professional life.

Individual-to-team coaching starts with the person in charge, after all their team is dependent on their leader’s ability to help guide them through projects, obstacles, and events. As a leader increases self-awareness, we can gain insight into how both their beliefs and values can influence different behaviors and communication styles while on the job. From there, we are able to set attainable goals that fuel motivation and results for both the individual and consequently their respective team. Here, you will be able to master Leadership of Self.

On the other hand, team to individual coaching allows us to place the focus on a team or organization's goals. First, we define how your specific team defines success and then how we can integrate success within the organization’s culture. Both of these elements are what allow us to guide you through a transformation at both the team and organization level. As your team begins to flourish, both organizational success and culture merge together to form an unstoppable force! This is Leadership of Others.

Small Business

As a small business owner, you’re all too familiar with the saying “invest in your business “. Most people mean well, but they don’t understand the commitment and strategic organization that is required. We are able to serve as both coaches and management consultants for our experienced business men and women. When you choose to work with us, you will be able to create a tremendous amount of abundance in both growth and profitability that aligns with your business goals.

We know you need to find an optimal balance between each section of your business, so allow Coaching Catalyst to help you invest in each critical area!

  • Marketing
  • Customer Service
  • Business Development
  • Talent Acquisition/ Development
  • Product/Service Relevance
  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)

Let’s take charge of your thriving business using the S.M.A.R.T methodology:

SPECIFIC: goals and objectives
MEASURABLE: metrics and progress reports
ATTAINABLE: team development
RELEVANT: data driven research for your industry
TIME-BOUND: timelines that allow you to achieve your businesses vision

As a successful entrepreneur, it’s up to you to be intentional with each decision you make for your business. Allow yourself to be able to achieve what you expect from your business and measure what truly matters to your vision!

Civic / Non Profit

As a civic or non-profit organization, you are faced with unique challenges that require a special type of leadership. You need someone who can assist you with developing and prioritizing initiatives in a straightforward manner. Someone who knows how to maximize the resources available to your organization and simultaneously begins to reduce the level of scarcity many nonprofits face. Managing resources and talent also go hand in hand with how funds are raised and implemented into strategy and program execution.

At Coaching Catalyst, we have the unique ability to build relationships that fortify every part of your organization. We know firsthand how important it is to strengthen alignment with stakeholders and have developed methods to create a seamless operation. With the creation of strategies that foster chapter affiliate growth, fund-raising, and of course leadership development, your goals can be accomplished. By choosing to take advantage of civic and non- profit coaching, your board management and overall governance will be drastically transformed to align with your organization’s vision and mission! You can count on us to assist with any additional services like training and consulting so don’t hesitate to connect with us!

Wondering what is the best fit for you?
Whether you have one or more opportunities, let's talk!